Getting Started

1) Installing Bolt

The first step is to download and install the Bolt application from the Apple™ App Store.  Do this first if you haven't done so already.   After Firebolt has successfully been installed, run the application. The first time you run it, it will ask you to link the application with a Dropbox account.

Enter the login info for the Dropbox account you want to use Bolt with. This can be different from an existing Dropbox account you use for personal projects.

After attaching to your Dropbox account, it will begin to sync maps. The first time you launch Bolt, you will get a dialogue stating it can’t locate “grid.pdf”- this is because it is looking for the grid.pdf file for your default department. Don't worry- after you've launched the app the first time and chosen a default department, this message should go away!

2) Create Important Configuration Files 

To allow greater flexibility with the name ordering system for your main grid overlay, you must create a simple text file named "config.ord".  In order to use the new gate key link annotation and preplan link annotation features, you must also create a special kind of file called a JSON file named "links.json".  Both the "config.ord" file and "links.json" file should be added to your department's Maps folder.  Follow the detailed instructions found under 'Important Files' before moving on to step 3.

3) Prepare your Map Files

Hyperlinks need to be created in the PDF files. This is what creates the navigation logic that Bolt will use.

In this example, we start with a grid overlay of the city. You see a grid that makes up the cities map pages.  This grid file needs to be called “grid.pdf” when you save it and import it into Dropbox. Adobe Acrobat Pro is used for this example to build links from this grid overlay to the specific map pages.  Get Adobe Acrobat Pro here if don't already have it. 

Open the grid file in Adobe Acrobat Pro and select the “Link” tool:

With the Link Tool active, draw a box around one of your grid squares. We’ll use A1 for this example:

As soon as you complete your box, this dialogue will appear.  Make sure “Open a file” is selected. Click “Next” and navigate into your “Maps” folder to select the correct map detail page:

Select the correct PDF file.

You may use any of these options and then click OK.

You just built a hyperlink in a PDF file. Repeat these steps for every map grid page you need to.  Remember to save this file as “grid.pdf” when you are done.

Additional Map Detail Pages

Let’s say you have additional map pages with additional details. Perhaps a building, a golf course, or a section of the city that is too dense with buildings, etc for the larger map view to show. You can use a similar process to the steps above to link to further details. 

Let’s say that map page C5 has an office park in it with lots of smaller buildings, each with their own address. The C5 map page is too wide to view these details so we have a smaller map page detailing just that office park.  In our example, we call that smaller map a “Plate” though the name does not matter (you may call it C5A for example).

Open up C5 in Adobe Acrobat Pro. Select the Link Tool and draw a box around the office park. Link that to your detail file (eg: Plate1.pdf) just as you did with the map pages above. Make sure all your map pages are saved in the root “Maps” folder.

In Bolt, this will now create a clickable link on the map page to that detail page.  Repeat those steps for all the additional detail pages you have.

4) Add Files to Dropbox

Once you have completed these steps for all your map pages and all your PDF files are saved in a folder on your computer, you are ready to upload them to your Dropbox account and sync them to Bolt. 

Open your Dropbox account with a browser.
Create a folder in the root of your Dropbox with the name of your department.
Navigate into that new folder and create 2 folders: "Maps" and "Images"
Navigate into your new "Maps" folder.  
Upload all of the map PDF files you have created into this “Maps” folder in Dropbox.

Now when you re-load the Bolt application on your iPad, it will look for any changes, new maps, etc in this folder and sync them to the iPad.  Note: The first time you open each map page on the iPad, it will take slightly longer while it automatically creates an image file of that PDF. Subsequent loads of that same map page will be very quick.

Double-Check that you have all of the required files

At the least, your Maps folder should contain the following items:
  • grid.pdf - Your main grid file with all of the appropriate links created
  • config.ord - Your config file that tell's Bolt your ordering scheme for the main grid
  • logo.png - An image file of your department's logo (used when using multiple departments)
  • links.json - An empty JSON file that Firebolt will use to store data about your 'key' links and preplan links
  • GateKeyIndex.pdf - The PDF file that all of the 'key' links will link back to (intended for locations where a key or gate code is required); you can use the key links for another purpose if you wish, but the file must still be named "GateKeyIndex.pdf"

Updating or adding map pages

To update any existing map pages, simply upload the new version to the Dropbox “Maps” folder. Make sure it keeps the same exact name as the file you are replacing. This new file will automatically sync to all your iPads next time you launch Bolt.

To add new map pages, first create the link to the page on the “grid.pdf” page and then upload your new map page along with the updated grid.pdf.

To add new detailed pages, create a link from the map page to the detail page. Upload the new detail page along with the updated map page to Dropbox. It will automatically sync changes next time you launch Bolt on each iPad.

5) Adding Additional iPads

On any additional iPads you want to add Bolt, simply download the application and enter your Dropbox credentials. All the map files will automatically sync.